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macOS Malware Analysis : PKG Files

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Analyzing macOS malware can be challenging, especially when dealing with macOS native file types like PKG files. When I started macOS malware analysis, I couldn't find any resource available except Patrick Wardle's book "The Art of Mac Malware Vol 1" In this article, I will guide you through the intricacies of PKG file analysis which will enhance your macOS Malware Analysis skills.

What is a PKG file?

  • A Package file often called as PKG file is a package file format used primarily on macOS and iOS systems to install an application.

  • Are also referred as "flat packages".

  • You can refer PKG files as the "EXE/MSI/MSIX Installer files" of the 🍏 world! :)

  • PKG files are a compressed xar archive

malware@malware % file Aftermath.pkg           
Aftermath.pkg: xar archive compressed TOC: 4138, SHA-1 checksum
  • PKG Files are signed using a digital signature (a developer certificate issued by Apple)

  • ⚠️ It is always advised to do analysis in the native environment of the executable i.e macOS executable in a macOS environment ⚠️

Why are PKG files commonly used by Threat Actors?

  • It does not require mounting like DMG files!

    • It can be directly opened and installed :)

    • No need to drag and drop like dmg installer files.

  • It is super easy to install using the command line! (Ideal for Threat Actors having CLI access!)

    • How to install a PKG file via CLI?

sudo installer -pkg <filename.pkg> -target /Applications
installer: Package name is Aftermath
installer: Upgrading at base path /
installer: The upgrade was successful.
  • They can be repurposed for malicious purposes😈

    • Can be disguised as Drivers

      • Commonly printer drivers

      • This may not appear as an icon in your /Applications so it's a sweet hiding place :)

      • Most of them will not have uninstallers to uninstall the installed applications

        • Even if you feel that the installed pkg file doesnt work, you would not be able to uninstall it unless you have Terminal knowledge!

    • Includes pre-installation and post-installation scripts

      • It is usually in Bash script/scripts

        • Why?

          • Because bash is readily available on macOS and does not require to install it separarely to run or has any dependency on third party libraries.

        • However PKG files can also contain other scripts like

          • Python

          • Perl

          • AppleScript

          • Ruby Scripts

    • Sometimes you may find other files inside a PKG file like:

      • PKG files

      • ZIP files

      • dylibs

      • Provision Profile

PKG File Structure:

  • A PKG file is a self-contained file, i.e., it includes all the files and resources required for software installation. Here’s an overview of the typical structure of a PKG file:

  1. Package Info Files: These files contain metadata about the package, such as the package name, version, and installation requirements.

    • PackageInfo

    • Distribution

  2. Payload: This directory contains the files that will be installed on the target system. It includes the actual application files, libraries, and other resources.

    • Payload

      • Applications

      • Library

      • bin

  3. Scripts: These are the scripts that run during the installation process.

    • preinstall (Pre-installation script)

    • postinstall (Post-installation script)

    • preremove (Pre-removal script)

    • postremove (Post-removal script)

    • Apart from the primary installation scripts, this directory can contain other types of scripts, like Python, Perl, AppleScript, and Ruby, used to perform specific tasks during installation.

      • preinstall

      • postinstall

  4. Bom Files: These files are known as Bill of Materials (BOM) and are used to keep track of the files and directories included in the package.

    • BOM

  5. Resources: This directory contains additional resources needed for the installation, such as localization files (local/internal languages) and images.

    • Resources

      • en.lproj

      • fr.lproj

      • images

  6. Signature: This file contains the digital signature of the package, ensuring its authenticity and integrity.

    • Signature

Analyzing PKG Files:

It goes without saying that "Always analyse suspicious file inside a sandbox". You do not want to get your corporate device infected or trigger any EDR/XDR alerts :) .

There are 4 ways to analyze a PKG file:

  1. CLI

  2. GUI

  3. Automated

  4. Dynamic Analysis

CLI analysis of PKG files:

  1. Using pkgutil

  • This is a very powerful inbuilt system utility on macOS located at /usr/sbin/.

  • You can explore on how this utility can be useful by checking pkgutil man page in macOS terminal

  • For analysis of a suspicious PKG file, the below commands will be of great help:

Extract any Bom files from the pkg

Validate the signature of the pkg at PATH and print certificate information

List the paths archived within the (m)pkg at PA

List all currently installed package IDs on --volume (on the macOS)

  1. Using ipsw pkg

  • IPSW project developed by blacktop is called "iOS/macOS Research Swiss Army Knife"

  • It is used to download and analyze the firmaware of iOS and macOS for various purposes. Some of them are:

    • IPSW downloader/exploder

    • OTA downloader/exploder

    • macho parser

    • ObjC class-dump

    • Swift class-dump 🚧

    • dyld_shared_cache parser

    • kernelcache parser

    • img4 parser/decrypter

    • device-tree parser

    • ARM v9-a disassember

    • research tool

  • Below is the man page of ipsw pkg which assits in Listing the contents of a DMG/PKG file. This is a work-in-progress tool 🚧 hence not all features are working at the moment

ipsw pkg -h           
🚧 List contents of a DMG/PKG file
  ipsw pkg PKG [flags]
  -a, --all              Show all contents
  -b, --bom              Show BOM
  -d, --dist             Show distribution
  -f, --flat             Do NOT preserve directory structure when extracting with --pattern
  -h, --help             help for pkg
  -o, --output string    Output folder
  -p, --pattern string   Extract files that match regex
  -l, --pay              Show Payload
  -s, --scripts          Show scripts
Global Flags:
      --color           colorize output
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.config/ipsw/config.yaml)
      --no-color        disable colorize output
  -V, --verbose         verbose output

  • For analysis of a suspicious PKG file, the below commands will be of great help!

Listing BOM

Show all contents of a PKG file

  1. Using spctl

Check the code-signing information from native macOS utlity spctl

malware@malware % spctl -a -vvv -t install Aftermath.pkg
Aftermath.pkg: accepted
source=Notarized Developer ID
origin=Developer ID Installer: Jaron Bradley (C793NB2B2B)

GUI Analysis of PKG Files

  1. Using What's Your Sign?

Fig 1.  Output of checking a benign file using WhatsYourSign
Fig 1. Output of checking a benign file using WhatsYourSign

Fig 2.  Output of checking a malicious file using WhatsYourSign
Fig 2. Output of checking a malicious file using WhatsYourSign

Whats Your Sign? Features:

  • Signature check

  • Hash check

  • Entitlements check

  • Direct integration into so you can just right click on a file and open it!

  1. Using Suspicious Package

Fig 3 - Analyzing a benign package file using Suspicious Package
Fig 3 - Analyzing a benign package file using Suspicious Package

Fig 4 - Analyzing a suspicious package file using Suspicious Package
Fig 4 - Analyzing a suspicious package file using Suspicious Package

Suspicious Package Features:

  • You can Inspect the PKG without actually installing it!

  • Export Files of Interest for further analysis

  • Easy to use GUI for navigation and easy to understand

  • Quick View of the files located inside it without opening/executing it (just press space to view the contents of a file)

  • Ease of checking the Metadata like:

    • Developer ID

    • Notarizaton Ticket

    • Install Scripts

    • Executbable architecture

    • File size

    • BOM

  1. Using Pacifist

Fig 5. Pacifist software
Fig 5. Pacifist software

Benign PKG file Analysis:

Fig 6. Checking a benign file's Archive Content in Pacifist
Fig 6. Checking a benign file's Archive Content in Pacifist

Fig 7. Checking a benign file's Package Resource in Pacifist
Fig 7. Checking a benign file's Package Resource in Pacifist

Malicious PKG File Analysis:

Fig 8. Checking a malicious file's Archive Content in Pacifist
Fig 8. Checking a malicious file's Archive Content in Pacifist

Fig 9. Checking a benign file's Archive Content in Pacifist
Fig 9. Checking a benign file's Archive Content in Pacifist

Pacifist Features:

  • Inbuilt file and hex viewer (just press space to check the contents)

  • Export files

  • Supports other file types like .zip, .tar, .cpio or .xar archive or disk image along with .pkg file.

  • Can open a package, archive or disk image remotely over the internet (without actually downloading it)

  • File Verify

    • You can verify if the PKG/DMG file was installed on your machine using this cool feature!

      Fig 10. Verify feature of Pacifist
      Fig 10. Verify feature of Pacifist

      Fig 10.1 Verify file feature
      Fig 10.1 Verify file feature

      Fig 10.1 shows the output of Verify. Im this case, the package was not installed on the disk hence it displays 2 of 462 files present on disk. (These files are the original pkg files present on the machine used for analysis).

      Fig 10.2 Output after clicking Verify from Pacifist.
      Fig 10.2 Output after clicking Verify from Pacifist.

  • Analyze Existing System Installations which includes files intalled via third-party installers (This will display all of your installed Applications, Frameworks, Extensions):

    • Frameworks

    • Applications (installed via App Store or not)

    • Extensions

    • Preference Panes

    • All Installations (.pkg files)

Automated analysis of PKG files:

  • The easiest way to drop it in automated malware analysis sandboxes like VMRay, Intezer, Anyrun, Joe Sandbox, Crowdstrike Falcon, VirusTotal by considering your organization's OPSEC policy.

  • The other way is executing it in a macOS VM/Sandbox using SiliconBox CLI.

  • Analyzing PKG file using SiliconBox CLI:

  • Prerequsites:

    • Make sure you provide Full Disk Access from Setting to Terminal

    • Run as root

    Fig 11. Automated analysis of PKG file using SiliconBox
    Fig 11. Automated analysis of PKG file using SiliconBox

  • Command to use:

siliconbox <file.extension> -t <time> -r sane -a


  • All the logs are captured in /tmp directory

  • Analyze these file in your text editor/viewer and Wireshark to parse the pcap file.

  • Analyse the raw ES logs (JSON) in SpriteTree

Fig 12. Output of Automated analysis of PKG file using SiliconBox
Fig 12. Output of Automated analysis of PKG file using SiliconBox

SiliconBox Features:

  • Works only on ARM64 based machines

  • Verbose log output. (can be utilized later for analysis)

  • Logs captured:

    • ESLogs

    • AppleUnified Logs

  • Network traffic is captured which can be used for analysis

    • Parsed and saved in separate text file containing all inbound and outbound network connections

Dynamic analysis of PKG files:

  • Load the file in macOS sandbox with monitoring tools installed on it.

  • I love using Red Canary's Mac Monitor tool for monitoring and analyzing the activity!

Fig 13. Mac Monitor Log Capture Output
Fig 13. Mac Monitor Log Capture Output

Mac Monitor Features:

  • Captures ES Logs via Security Extension

  • Event correlation

  • Process grouping

  • Artifact filtering

  • Telemetry export

Using Windows for PKG File analysis:

What if you do not have a macOS?

  • Don't worry, you can still analyse PKG file on Windows but with certain limitations like:

    • Signature details

    • Entitlements

  • Since a .pkg file is a compressed xar archive, you can use 7zip to extract it and get all the contents of the file. Just double click the file to go inside the directory and you can check all the contents and export it for your analysis!

Fig 13. Opening a PKG file in 7zip
Fig 14. Opening a PKG file in 7zip

Fig 14. Exploring folders in 7zip
Fig 15. Exploring folders in 7zip

Fig 15. Exploring folders in 7zip
Fig 16. Exploring folders in 7zip

Fig 16. Exploring folders in 7zip
Fig 17. Exploring folders in 7zip

What to look out for while analyzing a PKG file?

  1. Signature

    1. If signed:

      1. Is the file signed?

      2. Who is the signer?

      3. Search for the Developer/Team ID in VT/any other Threat Intel Platform to check the reputation about the developer

        1. Use spctl command

          1. spctl -a -vvv -t install <file.pkg>

    2. If not signed, it should ring some bells 😈

      1. Not every unsigned file would be malicious 'coz developers build their own pkg files locally for testing purposes (It doesnt make sense to sign your file while testing, only the final build/version gets signed when it is ready to be shipped!)

  2. Is there a Notarization ticket stapled?

    1. If yes when was it Notarized?

  3. What is the architectures of the file?

    1. Is it Intel or ARM or both?

    2. Analyze the file dynamically accordingly in the sandbox

  4. Entitlements requested

    1. Check out and search about entitlements.

    2. Some entitlements just dont belong to that application!

  5. Does it contain any install scripts?

    1. Check for postinstall and preinstall scripts. These would be bash scripts normally.

    2. So, determine the capability of it by analyzing it manually or using AI! :)

  6. Check for BOM name

    1. Identify the BOM name and later check during dynamic analysis if this exists on the machine. This is a good indication that the package file was installed.

      1. BOM files are always located with a bom extension at:

        1. /private/var/db/receipts/<>

How macOS Sequoia changed the PKG file use and abuse?

  • Before macOS Sequoia, PKG files used to run just fine.

  • In and after macOS Sequoia it changed how PKG file is run and executed.

    • Once you double click a PKG File, it is usually scanned by Apple's security feature called Gatekeeper and prevents it from opening and displays the following popup.

Fig 17. Gatekeeper popup while opening PKG file
Fig 18. Gatekeeper popup while opening PKG file
  • You would need to go to Settings --> Privacy & Security and Click Open Anyway in order to run the PKG file

Fig 18. Privacy & Settings
Fig 19. Privacy & Settings

  • Once again click Open Anyway on the popup and enter your macOS password.

Fig 19. Gatekeeper poup to open the file
Fig 20. Gatekeeper poup to open the file

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